We all fit together, yep we sure do (she smiles).
We all somehow fit together,
Even though I know not how, but I sure know He does...
Even when we don't want to, we somehow actually do.
And I should know
Cos God has certainly squeezed me into some reeeeeeally tight corners,
Men, I tell you no lies!!!
Cos God has certainly squeezed me into some reeeeeeally tight corners,
Men, I tell you no lies!!!
We all fit together; the good, the bad, the ugly and yep even the insane!!!
We all fit together, like night follows day.
Like light and darkness, like the sun and the moon.
Like good and evil, like ourselves and our very own shadows,
Like men and women even, [hey no fighting you shildrenses].
We all fit together like the tiles in a beautiful wall mosaic,
Like one big massive WORLD-SIZED jigsaw puzzle...
Except I believe only our Creator can look at the entire jigsaw puzzle from above,
And know exactly where in the picture each piece of the puzzle fits.
Cos he is the Artiste, the Designer and Master-Planner per excellence!
He knows our tomorrows before they've even begun!
We all fit together, cos that's how twas meant to be,
Right from the very beginning.
And hey, I'm not talking about the beginnings of our lives here on earth,
I'm talking about from the beginning of creation, whenever that was,
If any of us can ever fathom that far back, cos I know I sure can't.
But that doesn't bother me in the least now.
Cos I've finally realised that my part in this crazy world
Is just to show up and do my own little bit, play my own little part.
Is just to show up and do my own little bit, play my own little part.
I leave the rest of the planning of this whole crazy shenanigan,
To our, to my very own able Oga@deTop jare.
Cos He knows how matters are, He knows just how he arranged stuff..
And anything we want do other than our own part,
Well that's just "work no pay", as we say in Naija.
Well that's just "work no pay", as we say in Naija.
How often has God taken the unwanted,
Sometimes even very painful parts of our lives,
And created beauty beyond our [limited] belief.
And created beauty beyond our [limited] belief.
Only he can give us joy for ashes, endless smiles for our tears.
So that's how come I now know we ALL fit together perfectly.
Cos God created in us a desire for connection and association.
We are born into families, communities and societies,
In which we need to live and thrive.
Man has been described as a social animal, ain't that so?
We didn't just drop down from the sky like raindrops.
Neither were we dispersed on the wind like pollinated seeds,
Left to struggle and strive wherever they land and sometimes just not even survive!
Depending on where their fortunes or the winds carried and deposit them.
Thus we all fit together, cos we were designed and created that way.
We often don't know it, because so many of us don't even know ourselves properly yet!
Much less the others around us, the others with whom we're designed to fit exactly with.
But that still doesn't change the bare-faced truth,
That we are all designed to fit together, somehow, someway, someday...
Not with everyone, that would be just too foolish to contemplate,
But with most in our immediate families, friendship groupings,
Local communities, societies and eventually nations.
Local communities, societies and eventually nations.
And if we try really hard and it still just doesn't seem to work,
Perhaps we just need to think outside the box just a little bit,
Maybe we need to turn ourselves around and look about us,
Or perhaps we simply just need to move on,
And keep going on, not stopping,
Till we find our own little corner of the world, our very own place!
Till we find where exactly we fit into the FINISHED big picture.
Of this multi-faceted, multi-billion pieced, world-sized jigsaw I call LIFE...
Of this multi-faceted, multi-billion pieced, world-sized jigsaw I call LIFE...
So do try and have a nice life all my dear friends,
In your very own little corner of the world, cheers..
By Christie Nonye Akumabor 11/07/13
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Like the tiles in a beautiful mosaic, only when they fit together do they make such a beautiful picture. |
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And when we fit together perfectly, love then grows... |
Dear Christie, I really like this piece "we all fit together". I love the personifications of Our Father as; Artiste, Designer, Master Planner, Oga@deTop, Creator, HE etc. I also love the use of similes that describe our togetherness, Mosaic, World-Sized Jigsaw Puzzle. You move through the poem almost like an interpersonal communication for all to hear, think about, meditate on but not interrupt. Mostly, I love that it shows the depth of your mind, my friend, sister and the gifted, beautiful young girl I saw grow up to become a beautiful smart woman. Welldone. #Lookingforwardtoreadingmorefromyou
Thanks Cliff I'm really glad you liked it, and you really got how it flowed put of me, like a three way communication between myself, my Creator and then my audience.
Cheers and have a great life my dear friend and brother.
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