I have often read or listened to the story of how God parted the Red Sea for the Isrealites with amazement. It seemed awesome to imagine the waves parting and forming a wall on both sides, as the Jews calmly walked through the river bed to get to the other side away from the Egyptians. Then God in His infinite wisdom allowed the waves to fall back and cover the pursuing Egyptian army after His people had crossed safely.
How often has God parted the "Red Seas" in our own lives??? When there seems to be no way of escape and all hope is lost, how often does God show up and save the day, parting our Red Seas? When we've taken that professional exam for the umpteenth time or exhausted all our appeals against deportation. When it seems our child will never get better as there is no cure for that rare medical condition, when that marriage is on the rocks and despite futile counselling divorce seems inevitable. When we can't pay our bills and stand to loose the roof over our heads. When in the throes of the deepest depression we loose all hope and pray for death as a way to end our suffering. When we are wrongly incarcerated in a foreign country and the future looks bleak, that's when God shows up and "parts our Red Seas".
I have been in and know people who have faced each of those scenarios above and more besides. All came through to the other side. One and all, we had all but given up, then we cried out to the Lord in a final act of desperation and were saved. We will all tell you that "it's only because of God we're here today", and marvel at His infinite power and mercy much like the Isrealites must have done all those thousands of years ago... These really are miraculous deliveries of Red Sea parting proportions, because God does what no-one else could do in those situations. He delivers us in ways we can't fathom or imagine, opens up a way for us when there was no way. He lifts and carries us when we are too weak to go on in our own strength.
We could wonder why we were left to get to that point of desperation, but after we've been delivered, I know our trust in God can never be shaken again.....! In fact as I'm now oft heard to say, "before I
believed in God, but now I
TRUST Him". I now follow Him with a
child-like trust, knowing He will lead me where I need to go. Do I sometimes get curious and try to "peer" over His shoulder to see where we are going? Sure, because I'm still human. But increasingly I let go and let God... Because He who parted the Red Sea for me, desires only good for me and will never ever forsake me. [Ps 9:10]
He lays a wonderful table before me even in the midst of sad and trying times. |
Thus I can smile despite the numerous challenges I face |
I know the plans I have towards you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and give you a desired end |
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