Tuesday 20 April 2010


I had a dream one night, a few years ago now.

My dreams are often a kaleidoscope,

Of incongruent images which make no sense.

But, I remembered this dream,

I remembered it vividly,

Though it made no sense, at the time.

I saw a huge tree in my dream,

With massive branches spreading widely.

I got the impression, quite strongly too

That the tree was located in Benin.

From the tree trunk, arose the figure of a woman,

It looked like she had sprung out of the earth.

It seemed that like the massive tree,

Her roots were firmly embedded in the earth,

from whence she had arisen,

And her arms were outstretched, just like the branches.

What did this mean?

What did this connote?

I wondered briefly, then forgot,

Till I saw a depiction of my dream in a cousins painting,

Not very long afterwards, WOW!!!

How could this be, I wondered?

How could my cousin have drawn my vision?

When I had shared it with no one else,

When I could barely make sense of it myself?

Is it because we are relatives, thus connected?

We are connected, because we are cousins,

We are connected, because we share the same blood.

We are connected, because we both schooled in Benin.

I also lived there for most of my childhood and youth,

While he spent some of his formative years there in boarding school.

We are both doctors, as well as artists,

I'm the literary kind, he's the graphic kind.

So scientific and artistic we both are!

An unusual combination of skills don't you think?
Or is it really???

I digress, as I am wont to do.

So back to my dream.

What does it mean?

Does it even matter what it means???

I've had some thoughts on this,  
But no firm conclusions yet.

I've even come across an Igbo chap,

Who unbeknownst to himself,
Echoed some of my thoughts.

Amazing, don't you think,

That three separate beings,

Could share the same "bizarre" thoughts.

I won't go into the details here,

Of my thoughts, of my clumsy interpretations.

Its too absurd to consciously voice out, even to myself.

So I leave "YOU", with the puzzle of my dream,

Is there anybody out there, who can shed some light?

Like Joseph of old, is there any dream interpreter out there?

My thoughts on the matter include "Origins", "The garden of Eden",

But I make no firm conclusions.

Only the good Lord knows what my dream meant,

And whether it even meant anything at all even....!

If it did, I know in time all WILL be revealed,

By Christie Nonye Akumabor 20/04/10

Queen Idia of Benin

Then I went and found this picture of me,
which I'd completely forgotten about

Just moi, sporting my new Masai look

Sunday 18 April 2010


Who am I? I would occasionally ask, staring at my reflection in the mirror.
What makes me act the way I do? What am I here for? What's my purpose on this earth?
What determines self is a fundamental question that man has asked throughout the centuries.
The answers have often eluded even the greatest thinkers and philosophers of the times.
So do I now have the answer to this profound question? Yes, a resounding yes!!!

I am a wonderful being of God's deliberate creation.
He's my Father and He created me. His is the handwriting on the wall of my life. 
I am the delightful dance to the tune He dictates, as "He Pays The Piper".
I am the blank page, on which He will draw the most beautiful designs.
I am anything and everything He says I am,
And what He says is fantastic!!!

My earholes have been unblocked, unclogged now...!
Earholes that were clogged with the limited perceptions of the world.
Clogged, with the negative attitudes of others, which I'd imbibed over time.
Clogged, with the memories of past failures and disappointments.
No longer...! No more do I hear that cacophony of senseless noise.

I now hear only the sweet melody of my Creator's voice,
As He speaks words of encouragement to me.
A voice only I can hear, and there is no interference from without, anymore...!
A voice so clear that it sinks deep down into my being, where it resonates with my soul.
I now know who I am, and the knowledge has set me free...!
Free to soar like an eagle, into the clouds or wherever my Creator would have me go.

The knowledge was there from the beginning,
Was integrated into my being from when I was first created.
It got lost somewhere along the way,
But on my journey through life I've rediscovered it, and Wow...!
What a wonderful and fantastic discovery it was, a real Eureka moment...!

Wait and see the beautiful dance my Creator will lead me in.
Listen out for the wonderful duet we'll create,
As He leads me down the paths He has laid out for me.
It's going to be a wonderful journey from here on in,
And I really can't wait to get started,

I hope you all will soon begin your journeys of discovery with the Lord.
And for those of you who have already commenced, It's an amazing trip isn't it?
I hope to meet up with you somewhere along the way.
You'll know it's me, by the accompanying whoops of joy, loud music and riotous dancing that'll follow in our wake.

Lord I thank you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...

By Christie Nonye Akumabor 18/04/10

I am fearfully and wonderfully made, thank you Lord
I can soar like an eagle anywhere my Father takes me
 And we'll dance together more beautifully and gracefully than
these dancers

Yep, my Atilogwu dance with the Lord sure has started ((*_*))


The dark don't scare me anymore....!

The night no longer holds any terrors.

I used to be scared of the dark, like all kids were,

But aged 8, I asked the Lord to help me,

And He sure did answer my plea.

I can now confidently go anywhere in the dark,

It has been so since I was 8.

I know there are some dangers out there,

Robbers, muggers, rapists and snakes.

But whilst I do not willingly court danger,

The dark sure don't scare me anymore....!

I asked God when I was 8,

To help me conquer my fear of the dark,

And like the loving generous Father He is,

He responded at once to my request.

I am now a child of the night,

When I often do my best work.

When I can work without growing weary,

When inspiration comes to me unbidden.

At night I would often complete tasks begun in the day,

Like tidying my room as a growing teenager,

Down to the last detail, down to the last shoe, in it's right place,

Despite my mums pleas of  "Christie please go to sleep."

As an adult my presentations got their finishing touches at night.

Even this poem, was started and finished this very night.

The dark don't scare me anymore....!

Because I asked God for help about it as a child,

At a time when I had complete faith and trust in Him.

How I wish I could have that child-like trust again,

How I pray for that unwavering belief in His Omnipotence.

I do occasionally happen upon glimpses of that trust,

Like when He helped me conquer my fear of pedestrian overhead bridges recently.

I believe, but I sometimes still waver, unfortunately...

I believe, but I sometimes think God is saying no and then I waver again.

I need to rediscover the child in me, who believed, hoha.

I hope to find her as I journey through life,

That child who once believed, that once trusted fully, will be found...


Because if the dark don't scare her anymore, once I find her;


So Lord, please help me seek and find her,

Cos, the dark really don't scare me anymore....!

By Christie Nonye Akumabor 18/04/10

No longer afraid, ha ha ha

My ten year old unafraid self