Saturday 3 July 2010

Lord, I'm not Job!!!!

Lord I'm not Job. This has sometimes been my heartfelt cry to the Lord at times of trials. At other times I utter it in jest. It really has become a standing joke between God and I when I gently remind Him and myself that "porsin body no be firewood." That I'm only human and can get tired and weary [as if He didn't know already].

Why the analogy to "Job", you may well ask. Well we all know the story of  Job from the Bible and for those who don't or have forgotten; Job was a "righteous man", who lived in times long gone. He was successful, hardworking, prosperous and blessed with a large family too! He served his God faithfully even offering up sacrifices regularly to atone for any sins that "may" have been commited inadvertently by his children. Such was his righteousness, his right-standing with God that he was noted for it, which is where I first beg to differ [I know I am not righteous at all...!].

He lost his family, health, wealth and all his possesions in a series of events that he had no control over whatsoever, all within a short space of time,but still remained faithful to his God. He did not know at the time, that this was only a season of trials, of testings permitted by God at the devils instigation to show his faithfulness and patience. May heaven not remember me like that, or should they???] And Job was faithful and steadfast throughout all his losses and trials despite the urgings of his wife who told him to "curse God and die". He didn't but admonished her not to talk like a fool, saying "if we accept blessings from God we must also accept trouble as well" [Job 2:10].

So in current-day Christian teachings Job has come to signify, patience and steadfastness in the face of [sometimes undeserved] dreadful trials and personal suffering.... "The patience of Job", is now a well-known saying even in the wider non-Christian society. So when I remind God I'm not Job, it's my way of saying "I'm tired God, I know I'm not righteous, I've reached the end of "my" patience, of "my" ability to cope with whatever!!! Please God go and find another one of your more worthy children to submit to the "test", cos me, I WILLINGLY CONCEDE DEFEAT, I WHOLE HEARTEDLY SURRENDER, kindly call off your agents because me sef I don tire!!!

Whether He hears me or not is another matter! Though I feel He does cos I know God has a "wicked" sense of humour, [am I allowed to say that?] and after I've vented, often I feel loads better. Then I hear a "still small voice" reminding me that my own "petty" trials however big they may appear, can in no way compare to Job's or some other peoples. Then I'm encouraged... Then I smile and say again "Lord I'm not Job" but this time with good humour, as a standing joke between the good Lord and myself.

I hope this will encourage any of you who are going through difficult seasons and periods in your life. The bad times will eventually come to an end, we may have learnt some great lessons along the way. We will be stronger by the end of them, and hopefully like Job we'll remain faithful to the God who has blessed us in times of plenty too. And we'd have gained a new and better understanding of our God who only desires good for His children even though we are not always conversant with the ways He brings them about....

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