Saturday 9 December 2017


We are beautiful because of what we have on the inside,
Not for what we look like on the outside.

True beauty radiates from the inside,
And is clear for most of us to see.
There's no hiding place for an ugly soul.
There's no amount of make up,
That hides a heart that's cruel.

Let our kind words go before us,
Soothing others in their pain.
Let all our actions be good deeds,
Ever present for others gain.

We are not perfect, this I know.
But if we really want to,
The goodness inside of us will grow.

I may forget expensive gifts,
They may get lost amongst the gist.
But this I know will always last,
Love and kindness of moments past.

I've known true love from many a folk,
From family members and others that spoke.
They spoke into my heart at will,
And gave me hope nothing can kill.

So let's all try and be beautiful souls,
It's what our Creator desires to bestow.
We're all born with loads of love inside,
Let that be what we show the world outside.

Because it's what's inside that truly counts,
Nothing else matters, no amount.
The beauty inside is what we radiate,
It drives away all the anger and hate.

In loving memory of a wonderful, beautiful, caring and loving big sister and friend, Mother Theresa as she was fondly known by many. Rest on my sweet sister Tessy Ileka, you deserve your rest as one of the kindest, most loving people I've ever been blessed to know.

By Christie Nonyelum Akumabor© 08/12/17

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